I am so into passion, and you should be too. If you have any question about the power of passion – emotion – in the work place, just think about the last time you saw a total, shocking upset in sports. There simply are too many cases where the better team, did not win. Where a Cinderella team went on to win a tournament, or where, a weak, clearly less talented group of players won, in spite of their deficiencies.
Was Steve Jobs brilliant? Some would say he was, but I would suggest that his brilliance was eclipsed by his passion. He had a passion about his company; about his products and about creating demand where nobody knew it could be. Steve Jobs was no angel, and in fact, I have heard far too many stories about his potentially mercurial and even abusive behavior. But, one thing you can say, he had a passion for product design that was unparalleled in his industry. He may have been a tyrant, but he had passion that was infectious in his company.
This lesson goes to the heart of who you are as a leader. If there is anything that matters more to your being good at your job, I do not know it. If you have a passion for what you do, nothing during the day will wear you down, but, without it, you will be beaten up before the day is over. Management is one darn thing after another, and if there is not passion in your belly for what you do, I guarantee you, you will be exhausted.
Each of us wants to enjoy what we do. Nobody really gets up in the morning and says, I want to be bored today. I want to hate what I do. I want to be unhappy all day. Now many of you do get up fearing that all of those things will be true at the end of the day, but I can not imagine you wished for them. I had a job once, (not for long) where I really hated going to work. I have never been more miserable, and candidly, I did a lousy job. My guess is, most of you have had at least on experience like that. If not, consider yourself either lucky or brilliant.
Passion, the total commitment and joy of working is a blessing. With passion, you can achieve almost anything. So, my advice, find a passion, and follow it!
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